
Monday, 27 June 2016

Friday, 24 June 2016

The friendship of Bobo

Walt: write a narrative

The sky was purple, rain pouring everywhere you look. Jafar a middle aged man was lost in a place he never knew. He had came for a job application but flew to the wrong place. Nothing was going as planned. As Jafar walked on a little yellow ball was left on the grass but it was not just any ball it was a young tiger cub that must have been abandoned during the storm.

After a few months the tiger cub grew into a teenager and was very big, Jafar named him Bobo. Winter was coming in and they had a very bad home made out of leaves and broken bamboo. Jafar was getting fairly old and was starting to get some unfamiliar spots around his calf. Bobo stared as Jafar held in the pain it was obvious that he was hurting but Jafar was not in the mood to talk. Reaching for a leaf Jafar wrote down something and used some vines as string to tie it onto Bobo. Bobo was gone in a flash he had left to the village with the note, Bobo was not instructed to go but I guess he already knew what to do.

An old man did not hesitate to read the note on Bobo’s back. He went into his workshop, got out a big bottle of medicine with some pieces of food and a big bag. The man sprinted into an apartment then walked out with some other villagers. Bobo lead them to Jafar and he drank the medicine but it would take some time for it to work. Meanwhile the villager opened the bag which had some strange equipment inside, they all started making something. Was it a bed? Was it a fireplace? It was a little room that was stable and looked warm. Blankets,pillows and a plastic bag full with food inside. Tears rolled down Jafar’s cheek as they put him onto the blanket.

Finally, Jafar was all better and looking healthy. He still had Bobo by his side even though Bobo was really old but they were the best of friends. Nothing could erase the memory of that time.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Ngā Tātarakihi o Parihaka

Ngā Tātarakihi o Parihaka
The pākehā government was in Parihaka having a conversation with Te Whiti. Te Whiti and Tohu afterwards called a meeting. Everyone knew that their would be many people coming to the meeting in Parihaka and make official decisions as a group. The pākehā were turning everything into violence and never listening to anyone. Turning things from peace to chaos then to war leaving nothing but unhappiness and grief. The Characters: Tohu, Api, Te Whiti, Rangi, Aunty Maata, Rarawa, Kuia. The soldiers had arrived in parihaka, the young girls greeting them with there poi’s and loud singing. Villagers holding out their possessions as well as loaves of bread but the soldiers had ignored them and kept marching through Parihaka. The pākehā had not wanted Rarawa’s brother but Tohu and Te Whiti, Parihaka just wanted peace but got war. Was anyone safe?

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Jump rope for heart

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Adrenaline pumping through everyone, taking the first leap knowing we had to try our best. We skipped trying to remember our routine but before all that we met one of our class friends, Dion. He had badly hurt his leg and wasn't able to participate in the skipping but he still got to watch our wonderful performance. The music pace was starting to slow down and our skipping had came to an end. Even though we were breathless we still were smiling.

Friday, 17 June 2016

E-asttle strands

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Today I finished my e asttle strands test. It was challenging because maths is not one of my strong subjects. My overall result made me very proud as for I had got a 3A. I struggled with finding the area of certain shapes, even though I got 3A I know that I can do better and get to a 4.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Basic facts

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Walt: do a timed basic facts

In this basic facts I was doing multiplication, division, square root, factors and converting fractions into percentages. I got 77% because I was pressured about being timed. I don't know my converting decimals to percentages well so that's the real reason why I struggled with the time. For a Y7 I should be at least at 95 or 97%. To improve I will go home and just for about 10 minutes I will do some practise converting decimals to percentages.  

Thursday, 9 June 2016


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Having drugs to impress your friends
Is so disgusting it won't be a trend.
Abusing yourself with drugs
Only makes you a fool,
It shows you didn't listen at school.
If your are intoxicated
That won't help at all.
Remember that people are around
If you are feeling down.
You would never be given a crown 
For doing drugs you'll forever be a clown.

  1. write a poem on addiction
  2. Make a poster

We have been learning about the Human anatomy. The group I was with was researching and reading about addiction. Both my poem and poster is about addiction and how it’s hard to give up but it gets easier along the way. This has helped me to learn that once I grow older I would not turn out to be an addict. I would live life to its fullest and keep healthy.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Symmetry sorting game

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In this activity I have been sorting out the symmetrical animal shapes.  I had gotten a score of 103/104, I got one wrong because I was rushing but my overall score still made me proud. In this game I had put the pictures into the right box, it was really easy and I had no difficulties. Next I would like to learn scatter graph.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Addiction poem

Having drugs to impress your friends
Is so disgusting it won't be a trend.
Abusing yourself with drugs
Only makes you a fool,
It shows you didn't listen at school.
If your are intoxicated
That won't help at all.
Remember that people are around
If you are feeling down.
You would never be given a crown
For doing drugs you'll forever be a clown.