
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Football skills

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Every Wednesday the senior side of the school play a sport. This morning we played football, at our usual time. Our coach, Steve taught us some skills on how to move the ball with your foot. These are a few of the skills he taught:

  1. Control the ball using the outside, inside, sole and lace part of the foot
  2. Use your body to defend the ball
  3. Position yourself about a leg away from the ball so it’s easy to kick and retrieve
  4. Refrain yourself from kicking the ball with your toes (or you’ll have no control)

I think I played pretty well. I wouldn’t say I was great but I do think that I did well.  Out of all the skills I probably could only do two correctly. Since it was our first practice at football i’m not holding myself down for only being able to do two skills, yet I know could have did better.

I think football is somewhat similar to basketball. When dribbling with the ball, in both sports it is advised to keep your eyes up. Also when you pass the ball over to a teammate it can coincidently it could just go into the goal.

I found the game really fun to play. I enjoyed it as it was a sport that isn’t played as much at our school. When I was in with my team, we worked really well with each other. I did get hit with the ball a few times but I still had a great time.


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